•   info@saudiusa.com

The Saudi Scholars Association at Chapman University

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It's a warm family club where we have many services and activities. The students contribute in picking their fellow students from LAX to their homes. There's advising for student housing specially the areas around Los Angeles. There's a scheduled soccer league and volleyball matches and student hangout and trips. This year, We provided lectures for new students in law school to facilitate legal writing, research and, outlining lawsuits & cases. Further, we provide a student reading club to assist for better reading skills (Skim & Scan, What to read in an article or a paragraph? How to manage Focused reading and prevail over distractions)



If you have any inquires, please don't hesitate contacting any of the listed contacting informattion 


1 University Drive
Orange, CA
الرمز البريدي

الأندية الطلابية

رئيس النادي
Waleed A. Al-Omary
رقم الهاتف
(213) 261-1877
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