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Important Details on The Case of Saudi Students in Pocatello, Idaho
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Important Details on The Case of Saudi Students in Pocatello, Idaho

By: Hasan Albar
Translated by: Azhar Kurdi

In a new development in the case of the Saudi Arabian students living in Pocatello, Idaho who have been subject to racial harassment and attacks on their homes and properties, in addition to verbal abuse and terrorizing by the distribution of flyers and CDs describing Muslims as terrorists and danger on the local community, the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) and the Saudi Arabian Royal Embassy have taken a serious response by contacting the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to investigate possible charges of complicity and incitement of hate crimes against Saudis and Kuwaitis in Pocatello.

Nezar Alnejidi, a Saudi student in Idaho State University and the former president of Saudi Student Association who had worked for more than 18 months in the University, has been coordinating between the University, SACM, and the students involved in the incidents. Saudis in USA have contacted Mr. Alnejidi, and currently working on ways to facilitate students' transfer to other universities in the United States. Mr. Alnejidi also clarified important issues about what really happened in Pocatello that contradicts what is being publicized in the media:
"This small town with a population of no more than 90k residents has only 25 Muslim families, and they are not Arabs. There are 600 Saudi students, and a number of Students from Kuwait who represent the true Muslim community in the Pocatello, and who also built the mosque in 2013 by their own money".

Alnejidi also mentioned that a number of priests, city officials, and church representatives had attended the mosque opening, and that the building was never the reason behind the current attacks on Muslims. He also said that city residents, who are mostly Mormons, are supporters of the mosque and of freedom of religions in general being followers of a religious group that is historically been harassed by other intolerant groups.

"The real reason behind what is happening" says Alnejidi "are racist individuals and groups who see Muslims as a threat invading the city". These ideas were invoked and encouraged by the US presidency candidate 'Donald Trump'. These groups started carrying out their plans in the city to terrorize the Saudi and Kuwaiti students and force them to leave. The ignorance of what Muslims are really like has also helped these groups draw simple and unaware people to their side.

Regardless of the true reasons and the details behind the incidents, and as a response of what the students are currently facing of racist attacks and threats that could put their lives in danger, The Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission contacted all Saudi students in the city, and offered to facilitate their transfer to other cities and universities. They also covered all transfer and moving costs, and added an additional sponsored semester to the scholarship students to make up for the current one. SACM also allowed transferring to saturated universities to further assist the students affected by the racist attacks in Pocatello.


A note, found by one of the Saudi students on his car

Nezar Alnejidi has also informed Saudis in USA that neither the University nor city officials had expected the strong intervention of SACM, adding that the students have already complained to the university and the authorities about what they were facing without getting an effective response. But after SACM's serious intervention, things have changed, and they have communicated with the students promising to resolve their issues. This delayed reaction may have come too late, and could possibly cause the loss of all the revenues brought to Pocatello by 600 students who have lived and studied in the city.

On a final note, Saudis in USA is currently coordinating to secure admissions for Pocatello students in US universities.

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